Why and How to invest in Tesla shares for beginners

Invest in TSLA Shares online

Given Tesla  significant impact on the automotive industry and beyond, one might wonder whether it’s wise to buy Tesla shares or not. TSLA is performing exceptionally well, offering minimal downside risk and substantial upside potential. Future EV sales projections support Tesla’s current stock price, with the company already valued higher than all other automakers combined. If your following the current trends, the market is expected to transition to 100% EVs in the coming years hence confirming  the YES to buy TSLA shares

Tesla’s technological and manufacturing superiority sets it apart. The company’s rapid innovation pace makes it unlikely for competitors to catch up, ensuring exponential growth for years to come.

Drawing from my personal experiences and insights, as well as analyses from experts like Sandy Munro and James Douma, I am confident in Tesla’s technological dominance and future prospects.The expertise and enthusiasm of these industry veterans, combined with the flawed arguments of Tesla critics, further reinforce my positive outlook on Tesla’s future

Why Invest in Tesla Shares?

  1. Innovative Leadership: Tesla, led by Elon Musk, is known for its innovative approach to electric vehicles (EVs), renewable energy solutions, and technology advancements. Despite receiving a lot of criticism, Musk has an extraordinary talent for assembling highly skilled teams and achieving seemingly impossible goals. His big vision and willingness to take significant risks are crucial for driving innovation.
  2. Growth Potential: Tesla has shown significant growth in revenue, production capacity, and market expansion. It has expanded its market presence globally and continues to increase its production and delivery numbers.
  3. Market Leader: Tesla is a market leader in the EV industry. Its brand recognition and customer loyalty are significant advantages. Tesla attracts and retains some of the best engineers in both software and hardware. Unlike traditional automotive companies, Tesla operates more like a Silicon Valley tech company, which appeals to top mechanical and software engineers. This ability to recruit and retain top talent is a significant strength.
  4. Competency in Software and Hardware: Tesla’s proficiency in both software and hardware sets it apart from most companies. This dual competency is a tremendous advantage, similar to Apple’s, which has yielded remarkable results. Many people underestimate how rare it is for a company to excel in both areas.
  5. Diversification: Tesla’s business is not limited to electric cars. It also involves energy storage solutions, solar energy products, and autonomous driving technology.
  6. Sustainability Trend: With a global shift towards sustainability, renewable energy, and reducing carbon footprints, Tesla is well-positioned to benefit from these trends.

Investing in Tesla shares, like any other investment, involves a mix of research, risk assessment, and strategic planning. Here’s a comprehensive guide on why and how to invest in Tesla shares:

How to Invest in Tesla Shares?

Brokerage Account: Choose a Broker and  Open a brokerage account if you don’t have one. Choose a reputable broker that offers access to the stock markets where Tesla is listed (e.g., NASDAQ).

Fund Your Account: Deposit funds into your brokerage account to prepare for purchasing shares.
Determine Investment Amount: Decide how much money you are willing to invest in Tesla shares, keeping in mind your risk tolerance and investment goals.
Purchase Shares: Use your brokerage platform to buy Tesla shares. You can place a market order (buy at the current market price) or a limit order (buy at a specified price).
Monitor and Review: Regularly Review: Keep track of Tesla’s performance and news related to the company and the broader EV market.
Long-term Perspective: Hold for the Long Term: Investing in stocks typically yields the best results when held over a long period. Be patient and avoid reacting to short-term market fluctuations.

Step by step on How to Invest in Tesla Shares online

To be more practical, lets choose NASDAQ as our brokerage

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to open a NASDAQ brokerage account to access Tesla stocks:

Step 1:

1. Visit the NASDAQ Website:
– Go to the website(www.nasdaq.com) or look for reputable brokers that offer access to NASDAQ. Some popular options include Charles Schwab, Fidelity, E*TRADE, TD Ameritrade, and Robinhood.

Wen choosing a broker; Consider factors such as fees, trading platform, customer service, account types, and additional features and also brokerage fees (commission per trade, account maintenance fees, etc.).

2. Start the Application Process:
– Click on the option to open a new account. This is usually found on the homepage.

3. Choose the Account Type:
– Select the type of account you want to open. For individual investors, a standard brokerage account is common. Other options may include retirement accounts (e.g., IRA) or margin accounts.

Step 2: Provide Personal Information

1. Fill Out Personal Details:
– Provide your full name, date of birth, Social Security number, and contact information.

2. Employment Information:
– Provide details about your employment status and employer.

3. Financial Information:
– Disclose your annual income, net worth, and investment experience. This information helps the broker understand your financial situation and investment profile.

Step 3: Verify Your Identity

1. Submit Identification:
– Upload a copy of a government-issued ID (e.g., driver’s license or passport) for identity verification.

2. Additional Documents:
– Some brokers may require additional documentation, such as proof of address (utility bill, bank statement, etc.).

Step 4: Fund Your Account

1. Link a Bank Account:
– Link your bank account to your brokerage account to transfer funds. This usually involves providing your bank account number and routing number.

2. Deposit Funds:
– Transfer the amount of money you want to invest from your bank account to your brokerage account. Many brokers offer various funding options such as ACH transfer, wire transfer, or check deposit.

Step 5: Familiarize Yourself with the Trading Platform

1. Explore the Platform:
– Take some time to explore the broker’s trading platform. Most brokers offer tutorials and educational resources to help you understand how to use their tools.

2. Set Up Account Preferences:
– Customize your account settings, such as notification preferences and security settings.

Step 6: Buy Tesla Shares

1. Search for Tesla (TSLA):
– Use the search function on the trading platform to find Tesla shares by entering the ticker symbol “TSLA.”

2. Place an Order:
– Decide on the type of order you want to place. Common order types include market orders (buy at the current market price) and limit orders (buy at a specific price).
– Enter the number of shares you want to purchase and review your order details.

3. Confirm the Purchase:
– Review the order and confirm the purchase. Once the order is executed, you will own Tesla shares in your brokerage account.

Step 7: Monitor Your Investment

1. Track Performance:
– Regularly monitor the performance of your Tesla shares through your brokerage account dashboard.

2. Stay Informed:
– Keep up with news and developments related to Tesla and the broader market to make informed decisions about your investment.

Risks to Consider when buying Tesla Shares

  1. Market Volatility:
    • Tesla’s stock price can be highly volatile due to various factors such as market sentiment, industry trends, and company performance.
  2. Competition:
    • The EV market is becoming increasingly competitive, with many new entrants and established automakers entering the space.
  3. Regulatory Risks:
    • Changes in government policies and regulations related to environmental standards, EV incentives, and trade policies can impact Tesla’s business.
  4. Execution Risks:
    • Tesla’s ambitious growth plans require significant capital investment and operational efficiency. Any setbacks in execution can affect the company’s stock performance.

FAQs related to buying  TSLA shares

How much is a Tesla share?

The price of a Tesla share fluctuates based on market conditions. To get the current price of Tesla shares, you can check financial news websites, your brokerage platform, or financial apps like Yahoo Finance or Google Finance.

Is Tesla a buy or sell?

Whether Tesla is a buy or sell depends on various factors, including your investment strategy, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Many analysts have differing opinions. It’s essential to conduct thorough research or consult with a financial advisor to make an informed decision.

Can I buy Tesla shares?

Yes, you can buy Tesla shares through a brokerage account. If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to open a brokerage account with a reputable broker that offers access to NASDAQ, where Tesla is listed.

What is the 10-year return on Tesla stock?

Tesla went public in June 2010. The 10-year return on Tesla stock has been substantial, with the company experiencing significant growth. To find the precise 10-year return, you can use historical stock price data from financial websites or investment platforms to calculate the percentage increase from a given point 10 years ago to the current date.


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